Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well...We made it. I'm pretty sure I had a tougher time than either of my little people, but that wasn't totally unexpected. I knew this was gonna be hard. I've been stressing about it for awhile now, and probably for no reason. I knew Mason would be fine... He had his new McQueen backpack, and he was thrilled to be going back to school. But Maddie...I just wasn't sure.

She woke up super excited for the first day of school...Chatting away and happy as could be. This continued through breakfast, the entire car ride, and the walk through the hallways. It ended at the doorway of her classroom. Then the tears started...for both of us. Who am I kidding...my tears started way before that.
I passed her to her teacher, and promised I'd see her soon. I walked away while hearing her whimper "I want my Mommy"...longest. walk. ever.

I knew she'd be fine, but that doesn't make walking away any easier. I called the school a little while later, just to check in, and of course, she was fine...happy as could be. It's funny how hearing that she was fine brought on new tears...she was doing great without me. My baby's growing up. I remember feeling this way on Mason's first day too...It's just this sudden realization that they're not babies anymore, and although I am so proud of these amazing little people, sometimes knowing how quickly they grow up can take my breath away.

loveys? check.

From 2011-09-06

I may not be ready, but I'm pretty she's been ready all along.


With the start of school, the end of our first tropical storm and the arrival of our first cool front (thank you GOD), I am starting to feel the shift of the seasons. I am so ready for fall! College football made its return in our home this weekend too...and Thank you LSU for bringing it back in style!! Geaux Tigers!

Maddie's Game Gear

Southern Cutie-Patootie

And finally...my little schoolgirl. Click HERE if reading on FB.


  1. WOW - who is that big girl?!! I can't even get over how big (mature) Maddie looks. What is her school schedule?

    Hoping school continues to be great for both kids. Enjoy your "free" time :-)

    Miss you!

  2. What a big girl! Even her pigtails look more grown up for some reason. Must have been so hard to leave both kids that first day, but especially Maddie. But wonderful she is doing so well.

  3. I'm pretty sure they couldn't be any more adorable!


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