I dropped my little guy off at the front door of his preschool, and watched him walk away with the other "big kids" who are new to the carpool line.
Change is good. Change is necessary. Change is growth.
With a little wave over his shoulder, and an "I love you too, Mommy," he was gone...wisked away by a teacher. I watched him in my rearview mirror walk to class with his monkey backpack and Mr. Bear tucked under his arm. Who am I kidding? Change sucks.
And there's not a trace of my baby left in this little guy...When did this happen?
Change is tough. Change hurts. Change is 2 weeks of carpool, and I still drive away with a lump in my throat.
Everyone always says how quickly they grow up, but nothing prepared me for this. I've got that "sand through your fingers" feeling again. I'm trying to hold on so tightly, but it's slipping away just the same. And Madison isn't helping either...Nope. Miss Independent is no longer interested in cuddle time, refuses to fall asleep while being held, and would much rather hold her own bottle and let you watch........ from across the room. Sigh. I hate change.
On a happier note, some positive changes taking place...
It looks like Madison will be getting OT twice a month from Early Steps. My frustrations eventually worked their way up to the right people, and things are moving really quickly now. LOL Funny how that works... Anyway, I am hoping this will help us at least address the feeding issues. After 2 more choking episodes last week, I am really looking forward to getting some help with things. The plan is to start with sessions every other week, and increase or decrease if necessary. SO stay tuned, and I'll let you know how it goes...
Last week was also the end of our follow up appointments for Maddie. We saw the orthopedic surgeon, and the urologist. She had an ultrasound on her kidneys and bladder, and x-rays done of her hips. I'm happy to report everything went well. Here's how Mason kept himself busy during clinic...
He was a champ the whole day!
We will be getting casted for new AFO's next week, and we have recently acquired this new walker from our PT...
This peice of equipment brings both excitement and fear every time I walk past it. I'm trying to get past my fears and remind myself that this is the next step for her to walk...
Change is good. Change is necessary. Change is growth.
But change can sometimes scare the bejesus out of you.
One more thing...
I just want to say Thank you so very much to those of you who have donated to Maddie's page for the SBGNO fundraiser. We exceeded our first goal in less than a week...so we made a new one! We have been so touched by everyone's kindness and generosity! Please continue to circulate the link, and pass it on to anyone who may want to help this amazing organization... Much love, and many Thanks !