Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Bunny Hop

The Good

A couple of major milestones have come recently...and although I've long given up on blogging events on the day they occur, it still has to be said....

First, a long overdue, Happy 3rd Anniversaries to Sophie the Shunt, and Our Lemonade Stand!  I'm happy to say both are still in perfect working order...here's to another 3 years!

Second, my little people got some major press with this story that ran on the front page of the Times Picayune!  We actually first learned about CeCe, our swim coach, when I read a similar story in the paper about aquatherapy and the progress a little boy from this area, was making as a result of it.  So it was incredibly special to have my kids featured in the same way...Hopefully someone else, searching for solutions like I was, found the story and found the same hope and encouragement that it brought me.

And last, it's been 4 years now since our diagnoses day.  It feels like a lifetime ago... So much good has come from something that seemed so very bad.  I look back and remember that first year, and the blog post that came with it, and it takes my breath away.  The wounds were still painfully raw, and although I had hopes for the life my little girl would live, I couldn't have imagined the beauty, laughter, and joy that I've now come to know and love as my Maddie.  She is vibrant.  She is fearless.  She is unstoppable.  She is everything I want to be.  My little girl is my daily reminder that courage and strength can come in tiny packages.  Four years ago, SB rocked my world...Today Maddie rocks the worlds of so many out there...and I feel humbled, inspired, and truly lucky to be her Mama.

The Bad

This one's for my Mason.  My sweet boy was sick the entire spring break....and not just sniffles and coughs.  No, we're talking double ear infection and walking pneumonia.  I had plans for the zoo, the playground, and the children's museum...Instead we had fever, chills, and breathing treatments.   It was heartbreaking to see him so miserable, and in so much pain.  It wasn't anything like I had planned, but there's something to be said for hours of cuddles and movies with my sick little guy.    Thankfully, he was better in time for Easter, but what a sad picture our spring break was.

The Bunny Hop

Here comes our Easter recap!  We had a great Easter, that started with egg hunts at the school and ended with Easter dinner at my Grandparents'' house.  Here are some pics of all the fun!

Is there anything better than Kindergarten egg hunts??

Loved making Easter crafts and goodies with my favorite "peeps!"

Decorating our eggs

This year we made it to an Easter Party at a friends house. It was so much fun! We boiled crawfish, and watched the kiddos decorate and hunt for eggs. That was followed by an Easter Egg piñata, some football and horseshoes, more crawfish, and "Peeps" smores around the campfire that night...We had a blast, and look forward to next year!

See my bunny hop!!!

Easter Sunday was a wonderful day with family. My kids enjoyed yet another egg hunt...but not nearly as much as they liked watching the rest of us tackle each other during the adult egg hunt. It was ridiculously funny, and the highlight of the day.

They loved getting new fishing poles!

It was another great Easter, and I loved watching my two take in every moment of it.


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