Thursday was Maddie's ortho appointment at Children's. I was pretty nervous and excited because this was the first visit since Maddie started walking. A million thoughts were going through my head the night before.
Would she walk for him? Would I get the straps on right? Would he think they were working? What if he doesn't? What if she is cranky? What if she didn't walk at all?
Yeah, I didn't sleep at all.
So the next morning, we were running late, of course...and it just added to my anxiety. It took about an hour to get there. We had drove separately because I had a parent/teacher conference later that day, and Chris was going to visit his parents. There was only one spot open when we got to the hospital. Chris and the kids ended up parking all the way at the other end, so I ran into the clinic to check us in on time. Chris hauled it clear across the hospital with both kids in tow...only to find out the doc is over an hour behind in his appointments. Awesome.
So the butterflies in my stomach continue, as I try to ration out the sippy cups and goldfish for what was turning into a long visit. Finally we were called back.
It went well...really well. After chatting for a few minutes, Maddie began to get restless in the small room. She kept saying "Walk! Walk!" So her doctor opened the door and let her walk. I don't know if he would ever admit to being surprised at her progress, but by the time we left, a small crowd of docs and nurses had gathered to watch Maddie walking down the hallway waving, and pointing out every Elmo in sight. I think he was surprised.
He was pretty neutral about twister cables vs. derotation straps, but because I wanted to try them out, he was willing to give it a go. Yay! So we have an appt. this week to get her measured for the straps. I am excited and hopeful to see how she does with them.
Since the appointment was so late, all I had time to do was follow Chris to his parents house, say hello, change a diaper, and grab a pack of crackers for the ride back across the lake. I got to Mason's school just in time for the meeting. It was kind of hilarious. I got to see a self portrait he drew of himself, and go over some super funny Q&A worksheets. Enlightening, to say the least. When asked what he wanted to be when he grows up, my child answered, "Mr. Potato Head." I was happy to hear that he gets along well with all of the kids, and seems right on track for his age. He loves going to school, and I love that he's enjoying it. He's an amazing kid, with such a personality, and it was clear that his teachers adore him.
After the meeting, I went home to an empty house. I had a terrible headache, and I was hungry...having only eaten my snack crackers and coffee all day long. But an empty house is a rare food would have to wait. I called Chris to see how much time I had before they got home, and decided I had just enough to mop my floors. I know, crazy...but I've been putting it off since like it had to be done.
Anyways, the weekend is here, and I am finally catching my breath. Enjoying lazy mornings with coffee and muffins, with my aspiring Mr. Potato Head...
and warm afternoons swinging in the park...

Happy Weekend everyone!