I love the way our house looks at Christmas. There's something so warm and festive about twinkling white lights, both indoors and out...The sparkle of the ornaments, the memories that come rushing back as I carefully take each one out, and regard it like a long lost friend. I love our fireplace. I love that even though it goes unused for at least 10 months out of the year, at Christmas we hang our stockings, we dress our mantel, and we light our fire, and it is once again the heart of my home.

Today was the Christmas party at the Parenting Center. The kids had a great time, and I enjoyed watching them take it all in...

My big guy...

He gets this shy smile when he's really into something, but he's trying to look like he's really not so excited. Eventually he gives in and lets loose...Especially when Jingle Bells is involved...

They enjoyed making reindeer food...

and cookies...

I enjoyed watching them...

And I really enjoyed seeing Mason bravely approach Santa, for the first time, and willingly sit on his (her) lap. Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas, and without hesitation, he replied "A Panda Pillow Pet." He was so matter of fact about it, that I totally thought he thought this Santa was the real deal. He later informed me that he told "the lady Santa" what he wanted so she could go back to the North Pole and tell Santa and his elves. Ahhh...to be 4 again.

and in other news...
Miss Madison has started CRUISING!! She is slow and steady, but she is definitely figuring it out, and we couldn't be more excited!

My little bug is so determined, and I am so proud watching her continue to gain confidence and strength. I know in my heart that she will do whatever she sets her mind to.