First came a day at the Corn Maze at Blue Jack Ridge. This was our first time, and we were excited to go with several friends' families. It was so much fun! There were rides, petting zoos, pig races, and a hunt through the woods for "gold" and arrowheads. The kids had a blast...I can see this becoming a fall family tradition.

Next was the Garden Party at Summer Grove Farms. This a major fundraiser for New Heights Therapeutic Riding Center where Maddie does horseback riding for therapy. It is a wonderful place that has brought tremendous progress and results for her since starting there. We are firm believers after seeing Maddie's improved balance and coordination, so we were thrilled to again be asked to participate in this fundraiser. This particular event takes place on the most beautiful property, and is catered by the best of New Orleans music, gorgeous a word...perfect.

A few days later was Halloween, and all the cuteness that comes with Trick or Treating! The kids each picked their own costumes, so it came as no surprise that Mason was a Storm Trooper, and Maddie was Ariel.

These kiddos never disappoint when costumes are involved...they looked great, and had such a fun time! Seeing them trick or treat this year again reminded me how fast the time is flying...They look so big. Sigh. So that's what we've been up to...and I know this should have been 3 separate posts but I never know when I'll have a chance to blog these days, so this may be nuts for the winter! :) Till then...Happy Fall y'all.