But, she is turning two. And this past weekend we celebrated all the joy and love that these two years have brought...with the help of a furry red friend whom she holds dear.
An Elmo party was a no-brainer for Miss Maddie. She adores Elmo, and as preparations for her day began, her excitement grew. She went crazy over the invitations, she squealed while we made cupcake toppers, she begged to help with the cake, and she had to be restrained when Mason and I made the party hats...

She. was. ready.
...and then she wasn't. Maddie woke up very sick the morning of her party. It broke my heart to see my usual bubbly girl, whimpering in her bed. "I sick Mama." Not what I wanted to hear...The makings of a nasty stomach bug was just starting to get hold of my girl, and the excitement she had shown leading up to this day was replaced with a sad, subdued little bug who still hasn't had any birthday cake. But in true Maddie form, she powered through. She absolutely made the best of it, in the worst of circumstances. She played on the swings, she asked to bounce in the jump house, and she said "thank you" as she opened each gift. And though she clearly didn't feel like it, after much prompting, she treated her guests to 2 walks across the dining room. I was so proud of her. Here are some highlights of the day:

The Cake table

I have never seen Mason this red or sweaty..LOL

(The matching Elmo outfits came from THIS Etsy site)
One of our Best SB Buddies...Sweet Breighton
(If you are viewing this on Facbook as a note, click HERE for video)
The day didn't go quite like we'd hoped, and we are still in the middle of this bug, but...her actual birthday is this Saturday, and I'm praying she will be perfectly happy and healthy by then. Thanks in advance for all the prayers I know will be heading our way!